"Servant Girls" (1903)
Original subtitle: "Eugene V. Debs writes incisively of some of the 'problems' of the ruling class."
They are having a dreadful time about the servant girl. In New York the women of wealth “have started a movement for a servants’ guild. The name of the new organization is the “Woman’s Domestic Guild.” The object will be to generate a steady supply of servant girls who will be neat, meek, active and attractive.
It is said that all other schemes have failed.
And so will this!
The servant incubator will soon be out of commission.
I can tell you, ladies, what this servant girl scarcity means. Let me whisper it in your jewelled ears: Things are changing and Socialism is bearing in sight. The time is coming when no human being will be the servant of another; when every woman will be her own servant—give and be served upon equal terms—and when a lady will scorn to accept a service she is not willing to return in kind.